Saturday, October 9, 2010


Ok so I have to admit, I've never been a huge fan of clowns. Actually that's an understatement - clowns are super scary to me and I would never voluntarily put myself in the same room as them.... BUT I went to Seaside to shoot an engagement session, and turns out it was the same day as "Clownfest 2010". Basically a contest to raise money for charity where people dress up in their best clown getup and then the best ones get... I dont know, some kind of clown trophy or something. Clowns everywhere. Big clowns, baby clowns, old clowns, fat clowns.... clowns at Midway ordering cheese fries, clown on rides, clowns playing FROGBOG! It was weird, but I may have gotten over my fear some.... maybe not.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Kindergarten Picnic

A few from a local elementary schools kindergarten picnic... so cute! These kids were great.